Mona 2017 Welcome

Welcome to the 13th Caribbean & International Social Work Educators’ Conference! An opportunity to engage with academics and practitioners from across the English, French, Spanish and Dutch Caribbean, their diasporas and beyond. Come listen to scholarly presentations, participate in debates, build knowledge & skills and make lasting connections.

The University of the West Indies (UWI) Mona Campus will be the perfect location for daily events. A range of low to medium cost accommodation is also available on the campus. A host of agencies and grassroots organisations will afford opportunities to gain insights into current efforts to tackle contemporary challenges ranging from climate change to domestic and social violence and child rights.

Submit an abstract today! [Link to abstract submission guidelines & portal]

Check back often for updates.

Since 1993 the Association of Caribbean Social Work Educators (ACSWE) has collaborated with Caribbean universities and other organisations to successfully host this premier activity for social work educators and practitioners in the region. Read more
Event Photos